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奥地利大键琴 – realsamples Austrian Harpsichord Edition Beurmann MULTiFORMAT

EXS24 | HAlion | KONTAKT – 1,11 GB

奥地利大键琴图书馆配备了由约翰·安东·米克利斯(Johann Anton Miklis)于1671年在布拉格建造的乐器(当时看起来像奥地利)。提供三种声音-8’,4’音调和两者的结合-它显示了莫扎特会知道的奥地利制造的乐器的浓郁和紧的质感。
尽管大键琴已经老化了,但它仍然保持着良好的演奏状态。现在,您的采样器可以使用它了,它以392 Hz的原始Valotti调谐呈现,可以捕获所有三个寄存器变化-8’,4’以及两个寄存器在一起。还提供440 Hz的预设。在其低音八度中,大键琴不具有C尖锐音符,这是其设计的一部分。我们添加了“优化”预设,因此也可以定期在贝司中演奏。
为了进行录音,我们使用了定制的Wagner™U47w®电子管麦克风和Crane Song™Flamingo®前置放大器和Universal Audio™2192®数字转换器。采样以192 kHz / 24位记录,下采样至44.1 kHz / 24位。

The Austrian Harpsichord library features an instrument built by Johann Anton Miklis in 1671 in Prague (which belonged to Austria back then). Offering three sounds – 8′, 4′ register and the combination of both – it show the rich and slinky texture of Austrian-built instruments which Mozart would have known.
The harpsichord still remains in well-playable condition despite its age. It is now available for your sampler, presented in its original Valotti-tuning at 392 Hz, capturing all three register variations – 8′, 4′ and both registers together. Presets at 440 Hz are also available. In its bass octave, the harpsichord does not feature a c-sharp note, as part of its design. We added “optimized” presets so it can be played regularly in the bass as well.
Like all harpsichords, the instrument is not touch-sensitive in the sense of a piano. However, not any given note will sound exactly the same twice due to different resonances of body and strings.
Up to now, many keyboards and samplers represented harpsichords by repeating the exact same digital sample. In order to avoid the problem, we captured the sampled registers with 8 variations (4′: 4 variations) of each note. The key release sounds are also of major importance: We recorded 4 release samples per note.
The sample library contains nearly 1.600 single recordings.
Presets are included for HAlion®, Kontakt® (full version required) and EXS24® software samplers.
For recording, we employed custom-made Wagner™ U47w® tube microphones with Crane Song™ Flamingo® preamps and Universal Audio™ 2192® digital converters. The samples were recorded at 192 kHz/24-bit, downsampled to 44,1 kHz/24-bit.

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