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弦乐音源 – Audio Ollie Nashville Scoring Strings KONTAKT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 16 Jun 2021 | 40.55GB

Ocean Way Studios 拥有纳什维尔最优秀的弦乐演奏者 – 一个世界级的评分环境 – 我们花了两年多的时间来捕捉与我们合作的令人难以置信的音乐家的表现力。使用基于性能的采样技术,我们能够保留真实现场录音中的细微细节和表现力,同时保持房间中的深度感。在会话期间实时分析每个音符,以确保我们保持音色一致性。


Nashville Scoring Strings 专注于核心弦乐发音,涵盖与现代电影乐谱相关的主要演奏风格。我们在这些主要演奏类型中优先考虑质量而不是数量,目的是在核心字符串库中创建一个新的基准。由混音师 Nick Spezia(使命召唤、堡垒之夜、欧蓝德)录制,我们捕捉到了许多知名电影、电视节目和视频游戏中的声音。我们尽一切努力突破当前样本库开发的极限。我们非常自豪地展示 Nashville Scoring Strings!


!重要的!需要 Kontakt 完整版 5.8 +
45 GB 硬盘空间
24 位 / 48 KHz 补丁
Mac OS 10.13、i5、4 GB RAM(推荐 16+ GB)
Windows 10、Intel Core i5 或类似版本


Featuring Nashville’s finest string players at Ocean Way Studios — a world class scoring environment — we dedicated over two years to capturing the expressive performances of the incredible musicians we worked with. Using performance-based sampling techniques, we were able to preserve the subtle details and expressiveness found in real live recordings, all while maintaining the sense of depth found in the room. Every note was analyzed in real time during the sessions to make sure we maintained timbrel consistency.

All of the short articulations were sourced from repetition-based performances to maximize fluidity and connectivity. Legato transitions were sampled from musical phrases to translate a level of expression resembling that of a real piece of music. Every aspect of this library was treated with utmost attention to detail and the results are unparalleled.

Focusing on the core strings articulations, Nashville Scoring Strings covers the main playing styles associated with modern film score. We prioritized a level of quality over quantity in these major performance types with the goal of creating a new benchmark in core string libraries. Recorded by scoring mixer Nick Spezia (Call of Duty, Fortnite, Outlander), we captured the sound found in many well known movies, TV shows, and video games. We made every effort to push the limits of what is currently possible with sample library development. We are incredibly proud to present Nashville Scoring Strings!

Performance Based Sampling
We approached sampling Nashville Strings through actual performance-based phrases. All of the short articulations were sourced from real repetitions, and the legatos were captured from actual melodies. The result is a stellar level of fluidity and musical expressiveness.

!IMPORTANT! Requires Kontakt Full version 5.8 +
45 GB hard drive space
24 bit / 48 KHz patches
Mac OS 10.13, i5, 4 GB RAM (16+ GB recommended)
Windows 10, Intel Core i5 or similar

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