AudioScape 發布 XL-305R 彈簧混響插件
這是該公司首款模拟廣受好評的硬件設備的插件,AudioScape XL305R 同調彈簧混響插件
AudioScape 與加拿大插件開發商 Kiive Audio 合作開發了他們的首款軟件産品 XL-305R Equally Tempered 立體聲混響插件。該插件精确模拟了該公司廣受贊譽的 XL-305R 彈簧混響,是那些追求複古模拟混響音效的用戶的完美解決方案。
AudioScape 的硬件設備以 Micmix 于 1979 年發布的 XL-305 彈簧混響爲基礎,内含 12 個彈簧,具有獨特的音質特征,該公司将其比喻爲打開鋼琴蓋,對着琴弦歌唱!他們在原設計者的指導下對硬件版本進行了長達四年的研究,最終推出了對原裝置進行更新和重新設計的版本。
新插件複制了硬件版本的功能和音效,甚至還提供了切換圖形用戶界面的選項,以模仿原始 Micmix 控制面闆的風格。兩個通道分别配備了輸入電平控制和幹/濕混音撥盤,之後是四段均衡器部分,每段調節範圍爲 ±10dB。通道既可單獨控制,也可連接起來,以便對立體聲材料進行精确設置,同時還提供了一些有用的工具,如圖形用戶界面縮放選項、撤消和重做功能以及内置 A/B 對比功能。
The XL-305R has its roots in the all analog XL-305 Spring Reverb from the 1980’s. It’s been a Secret Weapon reverb over the years that has gained cult-like status. Unlike many spring reverbs, this Spring Assembly has 12 springs tuned together making it equally tempered, very similar to opening the lid of a piano, holding the damper open and singing into the strings . Working out from this core idea, we re-imagined the rest of the design from the ground up, from the electronics and spring decay times, to modern workflow and aesthetic improvements. With the direction of Wayne Kirkwood(XL-305 Original Designer) and 4 years of R & D, we were able to bring this GROUNDBREAKING design from the last century into the modern century. Simply put, we are incredibly proud to bring this to market.
System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, 10.14 or higher recommended