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录音软件 GiliSoft Audio Recorder Pro 13.0.0 Multilingual WIN

Windows x64 | File size: 393.01 MB

GiliSoft Audio Recorder Pro是一款完美的录音机,可以将计算机声音和麦克风记录到AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, FLAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, MKA, MP2, MP3, OGG, RA, VOC, WAV或WMA文件上的Windows 7/8。通过声卡录制声音并不是一件困难的任务,但GiliSoft audio Recorder Pro承诺让一切变得更容易,即使对那些没有高级计算机知识的人来说也是如此。


Audio Recorder Pro是一个完美的录音机,可以直接使用声卡录制自己的声音,音乐或任何其他声音。它支持来自麦克风的记录输入/源,来自互联网的流音频,外部输入设备(例如cd, LP,音乐磁带,电话线等)以及其他应用程序,如Winamp, Media Player等。


GiliSoft Audio Recorder Pro is a perfect audio recorder to record computer sounds and microphone to AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, AU, FLAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, MKA, MP2, MP3, OGG, RA, VOC, WAV or WMA files on Windows 7/8. Recording the sound that goes through your audio card isn’t at all a difficult task, but GiliSoft Audio Recorder Pro promises to make everything a lot easier, even for those with no advanced computer knowledge.

1) Allows you to pre-define recording qualities to help quickly set and manage recording parameters.
2) Allows you to start and stop recoding automatically with built-in timer.
3) Support silence detection during audio recording.
4) Built-in advanced sound engine to produce high quality recording.
5) Allows you to preset your recording device before start record.

Audio Recorder Pro is a perfect audio recorder to record your own voice, music or any other sound by working directly with your sound card. It supports the record input/source from a microphone, streaming audio from the Internet, external input devices (e.g. CDs, LP, music cassettes, phone line etc.) as well as other applications like Winamp, Media Player, etc.
With built-in advanced audio record engine, the recorder produces high quality recordings. With Auto Record feature, you are able to schedule the time to start/stop a recording………..


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