LO-FI-AF 带您体验过去几十年中您最喜欢的音频作品。使用脉冲响应、频谱整形和其他技术,它可以唤起从黑胶唱片和模拟收音机到 MP3、CD、磁带、手机等一切事物的特质。
这个多功能插件比其他饱和器和钻头破碎器做得更多。除了磁带饱和度、老式麦克风和乙烯基灰尘和爆裂声之外,它还再现了 CD 跳动、MP3 唧唧声、无线电干扰,甚至是手机离扬声器太近时发出的喋喋不休的声音。
使用 4 个独特的模块制作定制信号链
LO-FI-AF 的每个部分都可以切换和重组,总共有 24 个不同的信号路径。你想在 MP3ification 之前添加一些模拟垃圾吗?当然!想要让它听起来像是通过坏掉的麦克风录制,刻录到 CD,然后刮伤?为什么不?!使用它为您的曲目增添氛围和怀旧情怀,或者将源材料完全拆除成几乎无法辨认的东西。
LO-FI-AF 具有由 Papernoise 设计的令人惊叹的全新图形界面,Papernoise 是一些最优美的音乐软件和硬件背后的设计师。其直观的布局使所有功能都可见并立即可用,而不会让人眼花缭乱。包含 14 种皮肤,让您可以找到适合您的设置和风格的完美颜色组合。
使用 MP3、CD、黑胶唱片、盒式磁带等的伪影和退化超越标准的比特破碎
Spectral 部分创建音高变换、音频波纹和 MP3 伪像效果
数字部分提供位压缩、采样率下降和 CD 跳跃效果
以您喜欢的任何顺序重新排列 4 个模块以获得 24 种独特的信号路径组合
美观且易于导航的 GUI 以易于管理的方式将所有控件置于您的指尖
Papernoise 的平面设计,包括 14 种不同的皮肤
The perfect plugin for when your other plugins sound too perfect
LO-FI-AF brings you on a journey through your favorite audio artifacts of the past few decades. Using impulse responses, spectral shaping, and other techniques, it conjures up the idiosyncrasies of everything from vinyl records and analog radios to MP3s, CDs, cassettes, cell phones and beyond.
Dirt, distortion and degradation from analog to digital
This versatile plugin does much more than other saturators and bit crushers. In addition to the tape saturation, vintage mics, and vinyl dust and pops, it recreates the sound of CD skipping, MP3 chirps, radio interference, and even the chatter made by a cell phone placed too close to a speaker.
Make custom signal chains with 4 unique modules
Each of LO-FI-AF’s sections can be toggled and reorganized for a total of 24 different signal paths. Do you want to add some analog grunge before the MP3ification? Sure! Want to make it sound like it was recorded through a busted microphone, burned to a CD, and then scratched up? Why not?! Use it to add vibe and nostalgia to your tracks, or completely demolish source material into something practically unrecognizable.
Grungy on the ear, easy on the eye
LO-FI-AF features a stunning new graphical interface by Papernoise, the designer behind some of the most beautiful music software and hardware around. Its intuitive layout makes all the features visible and available at once without overwhelming the eye. There are 14 skins included, allowing you to find the perfect color combination for your setup and style.