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死亡金属鼓拓展 – Toontrack Death Metal EZX v1.0.1

EZX Sound Expansion – 1,3 GB

在80年代中后期,死亡金属是地下乐队的外围流派。然后,到1990年代初,像死亡,病态天使,食人尸体和少数其他主要来自佛罗里达和东海岸地区的美国乐队开始受到关注。同时,在英国的对面大陆,尸体,本笃会和纳帕姆死亡之类的人也以自己的死亡品种而进步。在北海的另一岸,在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,诸如Entombed,Therion和At the Gates之类的乐队全都加入了自己的混音。到那时,世界其他地区已经流行起来,死亡金属已经成为一种事实。从那时起,繁重音乐的潮流就来了又去,但死亡金属一直坚持下去并站稳了脚跟。可以说,没有哪一种流派以更加自然的方式发展,拥有不断复兴的粉丝群和稳定的乐队增长。如今,死亡金属虽然碎片化,并成为许多子类型的保护伞,但从未像现在这样活着。

在这里,Death Metal EZX发挥了优势-为您带来永恒的鼓,专为现代Death Metal生产而量身定制。它由著名的工程师/调音师/制作人马克·刘易斯(Mark Lewis)在得克萨斯州托尼洛的声波牧场无可挑剔的房间录制,并由传奇的鼓手肖恩·雷纳特(Sean Reinert)(迪斯尼,赛恩斯)进行采样。这两个精选的套件是从《死亡与黑暗》 SDX中精心挑选的,展示了两种相似但截然不同的野兽,这些野兽是锋利的,原始的和透明的鼓,旨在切入从狂暴的节奏到结实的吉他墙以及极其分层的作品。

借助Death Metal EZX,您将获得传奇鼓手的触觉和震撼,结合Mark Lewis的工程技术,将其应用到两个经过精心采样和调音的鼓组上,准备将您的音乐带入未来,并为死金属增添新的生命。

In the mid-to-late ’80s, death metal was a peripheral genre of underground bands. Then, by the early 1990s, acts like Death, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse and a handful other US bands predominantly from the Florida and East Coast areas started gaining traction. At the same time on the opposite continent in the UK, the likes of Carcass, Benediction and Napalm Death advanced with their own breed of death. On the other shore of the North Sea, in Scandinavia, bands such as Entombed, Therion and At the Gates all added their own blend to the mix. By then, the rest of the world had caught on and death metal as a phenomenon was a fact. Ever since, trends in heavy music have come and gone, but death metal has stayed its course and stood its ground. Arguably no genre has evolved in a more organic way, with a constantly rejuvenating fanbase and steady increment of bands. Today, although fragmented and more of an umbrella to a host of sub-genres, death metal has never been more alive.

This is where the Death Metal EZX takes its vantage point – to bring you timeless drums, tailored for modern death metal production. It was recorded by acclaimed engineer/mixer/producer Mark Lewis at the impeccable room at Sonic Ranch in Tornillo, Texas, and sampled by legendary drummer Sean Reinert (Death, Cynic). The two featured kits, handpicked from the Death & Darkness SDX, display two kindred but fundamentally different beasts of razor-sharp, pristine and crystal clear drums designed to cut through in anything from rampant tempos to dense walls of guitars and extremely layered productions.

With the Death Metal EZX, you get the touch and stroke of a legendary drummer combined with Mark Lewis’ engineering applied on two meticulously sampled and tuned drum kits, ready to bring your music into the future and add some new life to your death metal.

– Two complete kits
– Recorded by Mark Lewis (Cannibal Corpse, Whitechapel, The Black Dahlia Murder) at Sonic Ranch, TX
– Sampled by legendary drummer Sean Reinert
– Includes a collection of death metal-inspired drum MIDI grooves by Dave McGraw (Cattle Decapitation)

Works with EZdrummer v2.1.8 or Superior Drummer v3.1.4 and higher!

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Death Metal EZX

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