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沉浸式耳机监听辅助工具 Dear Reality dearVR MONITOR 1.16.0 WIN

Dear Reality 推出 dearVR MONITOR 最新版和全新IMMERSIVE BUNDLE,通过结合两款功能强大的插件,强化空间混音工作流。通过 dearVR MONITOR 实现随时随地多格式混音,您只需戴上耳机,即可开启沉浸式混音室体验。最新版 V1.13 新增四个耳机配置文件和 Dear Reality 许可证管理器,以及对 Pro Tools® M1 Native 的支持。结合 Dear Reality 的dearVR PRO空间音频解决方案,用户可轻松开启沉浸式音频创作。

空间音频技术正在不断塑造音频的创作和消费方式。得益于最新版 dearVR MONITOR 与全新IMMERSIVE BUNDLE 的完美结合,用户可尽情投入专业空间音频制作。“全新IMMERSIVE BUNDLE 包含的两个最受欢迎的专业插件 dearVR MONITOR 与 dearVR PRO 将帮助用户开拓创意脑洞和技术视野,让用户轻松探索沉浸式音频世界,” Dear Reality 产品负责人 Felix Lau 解释道。通过专业录音室耳机(例如最近集成的森海塞尔 HD 800 S、诺音曼 NDH 30),用户依靠个人参考级试听室也能够更准确、更轻松地完成混音工作。

File size: 105.5 MB

Ready to improve every choice you make in your mixes and masters? The new dearVR MONITOR plugin from Dear Reality allows you to hear your music in an ideal reference-quality listening room, using your own favorite headphones.

With dearVR MONITOR, you can now mix anywhere, anytime, without the need for an expensive acoustically-optimized control room. It allows you to virtually transport yourself to the perfect listening space, whether you are working in stereo, in a surround sound format like 5.1 or 7.1, or even in complex Dolby Atmos formats like 5.1.4 and 9.1.6………..

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