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游戏音效库 – Epic Stock Media Game Triggers WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 11 July 2023 | 1.42 GB

Game Triggers 是一个游戏音效库,包含超过 1920 多个内存优化设计和源音效、420 多个声音集,涵盖 50 多种声音类型和风格,可用于视频游戏。 这个专注的声音库为您提供游戏动作、交互和一次性声音的混合组合,非常适合游戏点击、UI、库存声音、通知、卡通风格、应用程序、有趣的时刻、喜剧缓解和流行的其他声音效果 游戏。


游戏触发器就像瑞士军刀一样多功能,对于您正在创建的任何类型的游戏来说都是一个很好的资源。 考虑到游戏开发人员和声音设计师,我们精心制作了这些游戏就绪音频资源,以便您可以拥有多种声音选项、美学以及满足游戏要求所需的所有变体文件。 每个声音集通常包含 4-10 个变体文件。 所有声音文件都经过混合、母带处理和内存优化,从而节省您的时间并减少进一步编辑的麻烦。 告别低质量、无聊和重复的游戏音频!

大多数音效长度都很短,非常适合快速的动作。 在图书馆里,你会发现攻击、制作、挖掘、收集、库存、叮当声、箱子、木材、硬币、泡泡、饮料、液体、药水、机械动作、采矿、通知、卡通声音、卡通、动物、玩具声音 ,经典的喜剧卡通听起来像小提琴的拨弦声、轰鸣声、邦克声、炸弹汽笛声、火车汽笛声、放屁声、破碎声、玻璃声、纸声、金属撞击声、刮擦声、工具声、用户界面声音和可爱的机器人发声声等等。

可能性是无止境。 最好的部分是什么? 所有声音均已为游戏做好准备,但用途广泛,可以根据您的喜好进一步编辑、混合和匹配! 该库被开发为一个模块化声音库,让您在未来几年内拥有独特的声音美学。 这就像一份不断赠送的礼物。 大多数声音集都有许多不同的用例。 例如,UI 卡通 Bubble Swish 声音集可以是一个有趣的街机游戏项目收集声音,或者 Liquids Squish 集可以是工艺材料拾取或建筑放置触发声音效果。

符合 UCS 和 Soundminer 元数据
所有音效标签均符合 UCS 标准,并按类别进行组织,以便更轻松地使用易于理解的文件夹结构进行导航:攻击、制作、挖掘、库存、液体、机甲、采矿、通知、工具、UI、角色发声、机器人、来源 :动物、大气、玻璃、纸张、色调、玩具、交通等等。 除了 UCS 之外,游戏触发器还使用 soundminer 元数据将广泛的元数据嵌入到文件中,帮助您在正确的时间找到正确的声音。


•423 个声音集/粘合文件
•2.09 GB 游戏音频资源
•全部为96k 24位.wav
•包括超过 46 分钟的音频
•38 种攻击 – 拍打、重击、粉碎、挥击、鞭打、撕咬
•190 种手工制作 – 箱子、布料、丢弃物、收获、制作金属、塑料、木材、科幻等等。
•55 挖掘 – 铲土、矿石、金属碎屑、垃圾、草
•165 库存 – 武器、集装箱、货币、织物
•175 Mech – 电动、金属、金属、大击、小击、旋转、剑
•67 采矿 – 在多个表面上采矿
•57 条通知 – 针对动物、科幻、基于合成器、基于声音
•23 大气 – 雨棒、雷管、波浪和风
•39 玻璃 – 抛掷、叮当声、叮当声、掉落、撞击、打破
•129 纸张 – 书本、弄皱、处理、移除、洗牌、翻页
•292 音调 – 手风琴、编钟、迪吉里杜管、圆号、钟琴、口琴、颚竖琴、口哨、警哨、幻灯片哨、小提琴等旋律乐器样本。
•85 种玩具 – 摇头公仔、橡皮泥、玩具吱吱声、牙齿打颤
•67 交通 – 卡通风格的火车刹车、火车汽笛和汽车声音
•50 个 UI – 卡通、嘴巴、泡泡、有机、科幻
•73 个可爱的机器人角色声音 – 难以区分的嘟嘟声/叽叽喳喳声 – 愤怒、破碎、垃圾场、小、复古、未来人工智能
•所有音效均适合 YouTube 且免版税


Game Triggers is a game sound effects library jam-packed with over 1920+ memory optimized designed and source sound effects, 420+ sound sets across over 50 sound types and styles for use in video games. This focused sound library gives you a hybrid mix of game actions, interactions, and one shot sound that are perfect for game hits, UI, inventory sounds, notifications, cartoon styles, apps, funny moments, comedic relief and other sound fx found in popular games.

Whether you’re creating a high energy button masher, silly platformer, a wacky racing game, or a lighthearted puzzle game, our library has the perfect sound effects to match your game’s style and mood.

Game Triggers is as versatile as a Swiss army knife, and will be a great resource for any type of game you’re creating. With game developers and sound designers in mind, we carefully handcrafted these game ready audio assets so that you can have a multitude of sonic options, aesthetics, and all the variations files you could need to fulfill your games requirements. Each sound set usually contains 4-10 variations files. All sound files have been mixed, mastered and memory optimized saving you time and further editing headaches. Say goodbye to low quality, boring & repetitive game audio!

Memory Optimized and Game Ready
Most sound effects are short in length and perfect for fast and rapid actions. Inside the library you’ll find attacks, crafting, digging, collects, inventory, clanks, chests, wood, coins, bubble pops, drinks, liquids, potions, mechanical actions, mining, notifications, cartoon voices, toons, animals, toy sounds, classic comedy cartoon sounds like violin plucks, boings, bonks, bomb whistles, train whistles, farts, breaks, glass, paper, metal hits, scrapes, tools, user interface sounds, and cute robots vocalization sand much more.

The possibilities are endless. And the best part? All sounds are game ready but versatile enough to further edit, mix and match to your liking! The library was developed to be a modular sound bank allowing you to have unique sonic aesthetics for years to come. It will be like a gift that keeps giving. Most sound sets have many different use cases. For example UI Cartoon Bubble Swish sound set could be a fun arcade game item collect sound or the Liquids Squish set could a crafting material pick up, or building placement trigger sound effect.

UCS Compliant & Soundminer Metadata
All sound effects labeling is UCS compliant & is organized into categories to make it easier to navigate with understandable folder structures: Attacks, Crafting, Digging, Inventory, Liquids, Mech, Mining, Notifications, Tools, UI, Vocalizations for Character, Robots, Source: Animals, Atmospherics, Glass, Paper, Tonal, Toys, Transportation and much more. On top of UCS, Game Triggers features extensive metadata embedded in the files using soundminer metadata to help you find the right sound at the right time as well.

Product details:
•1928 video game sound effects
•423 sound sets / glued files
•2.09 GB of game audio assets
•All in 96k 24bit .wav
•Includes over 46 minutes of audio
•1+ hours of sound
•Includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96kHz/24bit
•Includes embedded Soundminer metadata
•UCS Compliant
•38 Attacks – slap, whack, smash, swing, whip, bite
•190 Crafting – chests, cloth, discard, harvest, crafting metal, plastic, wood, sci-fi & more.
•55 Digging – shovels on dirt, ore, metal crunch, trash, grass
•165 Inventory – weaponry, containers, currency, fabrics
•40 Liquids – bubbles, drinks, consumables, fishing, squishes
•175 Mech – electric, metal, metallic, large, small hits, spinning, swords
•67 Mining – mining on multiple surfaces
•57 Notifications – for animals, sci-fi, synth based, vocal based
•139 Source Animals – cartoon styled toys that sounds like pig, sheep, birds, frog, duck, dog
•23 Atmospherics – rainsticks, thunder tubes, waves and wind
•39 Glass – toss, clink, clank, drop, hit, break
•129 Paper – book, crumple, handling, remove, shuffle, page turns
•292 Tonal – melodic instrument samples of accordion, chimes, didgeridoo, horns, glockenspiel, harmonica, jaw harp, mouth whistle, police whistle, slide whistle, violin and more.
•85 Toys – bobble heads, silly putty, toy squeaks, teeth chatters
•67 Transportation – train braking, train whistle, and car sounds in cartoon style
•90 Tools – ax, hammer, handling, scissors, shovel, wrench
•50 UI – cartoon, mouth, bubbles, organic, sci-fi
•154 Cute Character Voices – indistinguishable chipmunks, giant, orc, princess, small warrior
•73 Cute Robot Character Voices – indistinguishable beeps/chirps – angry, broken, junkyard, little, retro, future ai
•All files are game ready, mastered and memory footprint optimized
•Perfect for game devs & sound designers
•All sound effects are youtube friendly & royalty free

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