MB412 MRBW”基于1971年的Marshall 1960B“ basketweave” 4×12机柜。
自从1960年代问世以来,这种类型的老式箱体和扬声器不仅是摇滚史上最具传奇色彩和最受欢迎的配置,一些最具标志性的演奏者还用它来拾起电吉他的乐器,而且这个精确的样本 是迄今为止最昂贵的专辑制作中的主要吉他部件,它已成为摇滚历史的特定组成部分,现在已通过此脉冲响应库产品供个人使用。
基于1971年的Marshall 1960B“ basketweave” 4×12机柜的“ 412 MRBW”。
基于1971年以前的罗拉Celestion 75 Hz G12M-25扬声器的“ GNR / MED / RAW M25”。
GNR =非常中立的回应
MED =“中位数”; 在GNR和RAW之间
RAW =野生,毛茸茸且不受限制
412 MRBW” based on a 1971 Marshall 1960B “basketweave” 4×12 cabinet.
Not only is this TYPE of vintage cabinet and speaker the most legendary and sought after configuration in Rock and Roll history since its introduction in the 1960’s, used by some of the most iconic players to pick up the instrument of electric guitar, but this EXACT specimen was used for the primary guitar parts on the most expensive album production to date, making it a specific part of Rock and Roll history which has now been immortalized for personal use through this impulse response library product!
“412 MRBW” based on a 1971 Marshall 1960B “basketweave” 4×12 cabinet.
“GNR/MED/RAW M25” based on 1971 pre-Rola Celestion 75 Hz G12M-25 speakers.
The speaker was shot in such ways as to result in three distinct voicings:
GNR = Greatly Neutral Response
MED = “Median”; between GNR and RAW
RAW = wild, hairy, and untamed