SRX系列的优美号角声音! Buena Vista社交俱乐部和Preservation Hall爵士乐团之类的乐队在录音和表演中占据着中心地位,它们的声音大胆而柔和或柔和,是它们的号角。 从新奥尔良到纽约,再到巴黎,黄铜创造了一种语言,这种语言从呼吸中汲取灵感,表达了人类的精神。
罗兰(Roland)SRX系列的第十个称呼是“捕捉传统黄铜乐器和合奏的真实声音的绝佳音色集合。” SRX BRASS中的各种音色足以制作流行音乐,给电影评分,古典作品和音乐。 超越。
Elegant Horn Sounds from the SRX Series! Muted or brash, the bold sounds of horns claim center stage on recordings and in performances by the likes of Buena Vista Social Club and Preservation Hall Jazz Band. From New Orleans to New York City to Paris, brass creates a language whose expression, drawn from breath, speaks to the human spirit.
The tenth title in Roland’s SRX series described itself as “a superb collection of sounds that capture the true articulations of traditional brass instruments and ensembles.” The diverse patches in SRX BRASS are broad enough for crafting pop hits, scoring films, classical composition, and beyond.