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虚拟乐器桥接工具 – VSL Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 v6.0.17011 CE / v6.0.18504 Master Only [WiN, MacOSX]

WN: Team V.R | 07 November 2018 | 58.9 MB
MAC: P2P | 29 December 2019 | 132 MB

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Ensemble Pro使VSL从第三方插件厂商进入了宿主厂商的行列,它允许你在32、64位Windows、Mac系统下通过网络通讯,分散在一台电脑上加载过多插件的压力。


VSL以采样管弦乐音色而著名,他们最开始是为其它采样器制作音色,但后来就开始打造自己的回放引擎并发布了Vienna Instruments系列插件,不过就算不考虑效果处理的问题,单是把这些采样都加载到内存里就够电脑一呛了。所以为了让用户能够在多台电脑同时使用VSL的乐器软件协同工作,他们在2007年发布了Vienna Ensemble。

在过去几年里,VSL一直在改进Ensemble的稳定性,而最吸引眼球的新功能就是支持基于网络传输的MIDI和音频了,当然还包括大量用户纷纷跪求的一个功能:可以加载第三方虚拟乐器插件,这个在Vienna Ensemble Pro(如图1)里也实现了。


Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 已成为全球工作室和制作设施中权威的跨平台网络解决方案。这款混音和托管应用程序使您能够与 Mac 和 PC 建立多台计算机网络,而无需额外的 MIDI 和音频接口——您只需要一根简单的以太网电缆!即使您只使用一台计算机,Vienna Ensemble Pro 也能显着改善您的工作流程,其独特的功能,例如“保留”,可以在从一个项目切换到另一个项目时保持加载所有插件和样本 – 节省大量时间!

当然 Vienna Ensemble Pro 支持 Vienna Instruments,但您也可以集成所有第三方 64 位和 32 位 VST/AU 乐器和效果插件(例如 Spectrasonics、Native Instruments、Waves,您可以命名)并将它们混合为立体声和环绕声(最高 7.1),具有完整的参数自动化和可选的与 Vienna MIR Pro 的一键集成。更重要的是,通过随附的 Epic Orchestra 采样包,您可以获得功能强大的一体化制作工具,让您立即开始使用!

Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 是最新版本,具有丰富的新功能和性能改进。请在“产品比较”菜单下找到所有主要功能和版本的概述。


Mac 和 PC 上的 Retina (HiDPI) 图形支持
Frozen/Disabled 通道允许从选定通道卸载所有插件(包括它们分配的内存),同时保持数据完整
VCA 文件夹让您可以使用易于颜色编码的文件夹和子文件夹方便地组织您的频道
Mac 上的 VST 托管,允许与 Windows 完全兼容
“提升实例”现在是 Vienna Ensemble Pro 插件参数,可启用自动化/硬件控制器分配以快速访问实例
当您显示 Vienna Ensemble Pro 插件时,“自动提升实例”选项会自动提升连接的 Vienna Ensemble Pro 实例
新代码库可将所有内部 Vienna Ensemble Pro 计算的 CPU 使用率降低约 70%
重写的用户界面代码导致图形 CPU 使用率减少 80%
统一通道模型——不再需要为 Vienna Instruments 或 3rd 方插件创建不同的通道。现在每个通道都可以成为总线、音频输入、插件通道、Vienna Instruments、Vienna Instruments Pro 或 Vienna Imperial 通道。将插件拖放到任何频道。
与 Vienna MIR Pro 结合使用:Impulse 响应文件的加载速度提高了 5 倍,提高了图形性能(尤其是在 OS X 下)。
将所有键传输到主机 – Vienna Ensemble Pro 未使用的快捷方式将传输到连接的 DAW
微型视图 – 现在可以进一步折叠通道条


Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 has become the definitive cross-platform network solution in studios and production facilities around the world. This mixing and hosting application enables you to set up a multiple computer network with both Macs and PCs without the need for extra MIDI and audio interfaces – all you need is a simple Ethernet cable! Even when you’re using only one computer, Vienna Ensemble Pro improves your work-flow dramatically, with unique functions such as “Preserve” that keeps all your plug-ins and samples loaded while switching from one project to another – a huge time saver!

Of course Vienna Ensemble Pro supports Vienna Instruments, but you may also integrate all of your third-party 64-bit and 32-bit VST/AU instruments and effects plug-ins (such as Spectrasonics, Native Instruments, Waves, you name it) and mix them in stereo and surround (up to 7.1), with full parameter automation and optional one-click integration with Vienna MIR Pro. What’s more, with the included Epic Orchestra Sample Pack you get a powerful all-in-one production tool to get you started right away!

Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 is the latest version and comes with a wealth of new features and performance improvements. Please find an overview of all the key features and versions under the Product Comparison menu.

New Features:

  • Retina (HiDPI) graphics support on both Mac and PCs
  • Tabbed instances – Improved organization with one common window for all instances, with detachable instances, re-ordering of instances, and tab-coloring for better identification
  • Frozen/Disabled channels allow unloading all plug-ins (including their allocated memory) from a selected channel, while keeping data intact
  • Intelligent auto-save functionality – Auto-saves project in desired intervals, but only when transport is stopped, so it doesn’t interrupt a playing session. Easily recover projects in the event of a crash.
  • VCA folders let you organize your channels conveniently with folders and subfolders that are easy to color-code
  • VST hosting on the Mac, allowing for full compatibility with Windows
  • Channel grouping allows assigning channels to a group, with option to link selected parameters to the entire group
  • “Raise Instance” is now a Vienna Ensemble Pro plug-in parameter to enable automation/hardware controller assignment for quick instance access
  • “Auto Raise Instance” option raises the connected Vienna Ensemble Pro instance automatically when you show the Vienna Ensemble Pro plug-in
  • New code base for about 70% less CPU usage for all internal Vienna Ensemble Pro calculations
  • Rewritten user interface code resulting in 80% less CPU usage for graphics
  • Improved multi-threading performance for increased plug-in hosting capacity
  • Redesigned, resizable plug-in window and Audio/Event Input Plug-in
  • Faster connection/disconnection times when switching between projects
  • Unified channel model – No more need to create different channels for Vienna Instruments or 3rd party plug-ins. Every channel now has the capability to be a bus, audio input, plug-in channel, Vienna Instruments, Vienna Instruments Pro or Vienna Imperial channel. Drag & drop plug-ins to any channel.
  • In combination with Vienna MIR Pro: Impulse response files loading up to 5 times faster, improved graphical performance (especially under OS X).
  • Mixer Interface Customization allows turning on or off sections in the mixer to suit your needs
  • Transmission of all keys to host – Shortcuts not in use by Vienna Ensemble Pro will be transferred to a connected DAW
  • Miniature view – Channel strips can now be further collapsed
  • Faster plug-in scanning
  • Many more usability improvements throughout the application
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