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西贝柳斯完整音色库 – Avid Sibelius v7.5 Sounds Library Win/Mac

Avid Sibelius v7.5 Sounds Library

WiN: 23.2 Gb | Mac: 25.7 Gb | Update Only: 111 Mb

Sibelius 7 Sounds不是普通的捆绑样本库。该集合将独家内容与行业专家的精选声音相结合,为您带来超过38 GB的专业品质声音,涵盖每个乐器系列-从完整的交响乐团到专业声音,例如手铃和27档教堂风琴。


在可能的情况下,会用一套一致的演奏技巧(包括连奏,分离,断奏,低音,颤音和颤音)录制乐器,并使用许多乐器的专业技巧(例如,双调长笛演奏,铜管和弦乐器的静音,未测的颤音) (例如字符串等)。世界一流的许可内容。为了匹配所包含内容的专业质量,Sibelius 7声音还提供了来自专业样本提供商的精选声音。它包括完整的27档管风琴,取自伊利诺伊州芝加哥卡梅尔山圣母教堂的E.M. Skinner管风琴,由世界上最好的虚拟管风琴软件Hauptwerk的开发商Milan Digital Audio采样。

Sibelius 7 Sounds is no ordinary bundled sample library. This collection combines exclusive content with hand-selected sounds from industry experts to bring you more than 38 GB of professional-quality sounds covering every instrument family—from a complete symphony orchestra to specialist sounds like handbells and a 27-stop church organ.

Exclusive, specially recorded Avid Orchestra. An expert sound designer, who has worked with some of Hollywood’s most demanding composers, recorded one of Europe’s top orchestras to build the Avid Orchestra. Every orchestral instrument is represented, including unusual ones such as the Wagner tuba, alto flute, heckelphone, and lithophone. We’ve also included several period instruments, including Baroque trumpet and oboe d’amore. There is a full complement of string instruments, including beautiful solo, chamber and full sectional patches.

Wherever possible, instruments have been recorded with a consistent set of playing techniques (including legato, detache, staccato, tenuto, and trills), with specialist techniques for many instruments (e.g. double-tonguing for flute, mutes for brass and strings, unmeasured tremolo for strings, etc.) World-class licensed content. To match the professional quality of the included content, Sibelius 7 Sounds also features hand-selected sounds from specialized sample providers. It includes a full 27-stop pipe organ, taken from the E.M. Skinner Organ from Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Chicago, IL as sampled by Milan Digital Audio— the developers of Hauptwerk, the world’s finest virtual organ software.

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