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贝斯 – Submission Audio Umansky Bass v1.5.0 KONTAKT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 28 March 2024 | 2.39 GB

现代前卫贝斯神童 Jacob Umansky(Intervals)将他现在著名的黑白定制店 Z3X 的声音封装起来,精心采样了他独特风格的每一个细微差别,创造了 UmanskyBass。

该指弹库由我们的下一代 truBass 技术提供支持,并加载了重新创建极其复杂的低音线所需的所有发音 – 甚至包括重击。

Z3X 具有令人惊叹的前瞻性低音设计,即使没有经过处理,听起来也像是成品低音。 在 Jacob 精湛的专家手感的帮助下,这是我们最容易使用的虚拟贝司之一。

如果您非常希望将贝斯放在吉他旁边并让人们知道它的存在,那么 UmanskyBass 是理想的解决方案。

我们 UmanskyBass 背后的设计理念是尽可能真实地传达 Jacob 独特的声音。 因此,我们包含了 4 种音调,很大程度上基于他的工作室音调和音程:

乐器的原始声音,通过高端录音室级录音硬件直接捕获。 像处理任何其他贝斯一样处理 – 使用您最喜欢的插件、踏板或放大器。 这提供了最大的灵活性; 按照您自己的方式混合低音。

这是您所熟悉和喜爱的“雅各布·乌曼斯基”语气。 无论您在 Instagram 上听过他的众多演奏曲目之一,还是熟悉他作为成员或会议贝斯手在各种专辑中的作品,CLN 声音都会为您带来明显的 Z3X 钢琴风格的音色。


与 CLN 类似,但更多。 我们保持了定义 Jacob 声音的同样可爱、独特的频谱平衡,并增加了增益范围,以便您可以真正发出低音。


在我们通常的风格中,为了您的方便,所有三种色调都已预先混合 – 这样您就可以直接发挥创意。


我们 UmanskyBass 背后的设计理念是尽可能真实地传达 Jacob 独特的声音。 因此,我们包含了 4 种音调,很大程度上基于他的工作室音调和音程:

UmanskyBass 为 C0 至 D4。 它在整个音符范围内进行了完美调音,因此每当您录制吉他时它都可以作为调音参考。

有意缩小循环周期,为您提供最强大、最直接的样本,以降低真实性并提高一致性 – 对于那些不希望出现差异的情况。



为了实现绝对控制,我们的 Force String 发音可以准确选择每个音符在哪根弦上演奏,使您能够在音调上 1 比 1 匹配您的吉他连复段。


原生乐器 – KONTAKT
作为 Native Instruments 的官方合作伙伴,UmanskyBass 在行业标准的免费 Kontakt Player 中运行,这意味着您不必担心任何额外的隐藏费用。 Kontakt 是业内使用最广泛、兼容性最广泛的采样器,这意味着有一支强大的专业团队可以使其完美地为您工作。

基于我们的下一代 truBass 技术,UmanskyBass 具有极其强大的发音集合,包括:手指拨弦、幽灵音符、Slap Bass、自然和声、锤子开/拉、敲击、truSlides、Thump 和各种静音。

乐器的整个指板经过多重采样,以便您的虚拟连复段听起来完全符合预期。 IE。 演奏空 D 弦听起来与在 B 弦上演奏相同的 D 音符有很大不同。

我们的 truSlide 算法可以以您想要的任何速度或力度曲线从虚拟指板上的任何音符滑动到任何其他音符,以完美匹配真实吉他的滑动。


UmanskyBass 采用全新钢弦进行采样,这意味着您始终可以获得可爱的“包新鲜”音色,而不会磨损。 专业贝斯录音的平均费用通常是 UmanskyBass 单独弦乐包价格的几倍。


Encapsulating the sound of his now-famous black & white custom shop Z3X, modern progressive bass prodigy Jacob Umansky (Intervals) painstakingly sampled every nuance of his distinctive style to create UmanskyBass.

This fingerstyle library is powered by our next generation truBass technology, and loaded with all the articulations you need to recreate immensely intricate bass lines – even including thumping.

An astoundingly forward-looking bass design, the Z3X, even without processing, sounds like a finished bass tone. Aided by Jacob’s sublime expert touch, this is one of our easiest virtual basses to work with.

For those times you squarely want the bass to sit alongside the guitars and make its presence known, UmanskyBass is the ideal solution.

Our design ethos behind UmanskyBass is to channel Jacob’s distinctive sound as authentically as possible. As a result, we include 4 tones, heavily based on his studio tones with Intervals:

The raw sound of the instrument, captured directly via high end, studio-grade recording hardware. Process as you would any other bass – using your favourite plugins, pedals or amps. This allows ultimate flexibility; mix the bass on your own terms.

This is ‘the’ Jacob Umansky tone you know and love. Whether you’ve heard one of his many playthroughs on Instagram, or are familiar with his work on assorted albums as either a member or session bassist, the CLN sound will get you that unmistakable Z3X piano-esque tone.

You won’t believe that depth and clarity like this can coexist in a singular tone.

Like CLN, but extra. We maintain the same lovely, distinctive spectral balance which defines Jacob’s sound, and increase the gain range so that you can really make the bass spank.

Based on Jacob’s studio tones, this fuzzy mid-heavy sound replicates one of the auxiliary tones Jacob uses to create interesting textures in certain parts of his music.

In our usual style, all three tones are premixed for your convenience – so you can get straight to the art of being creative.

The Drive, Tone, Compression and Girth controls further allow you to perfectly match the bass to your music.

Our design ethos behind UmanskyBass is to channel Jacob’s distinctive sound as authentically as possible. As a result, we include 4 tones, heavily based on his studio tones with Intervals:

UmanskyBass is C0 up to D4. It’s been tuned perfectly across the entire note range, so it can act as a tuning reference whenever you’re recording guitars.

Intentionally shrinks the round robin, giving you the most powerful, direct samples for reduced realism and greater consistency – for those times where variance is undesirable.

The Humanization control injects natural variance into the playback, for adjustable realism.

The Position control is a convenient way to select where on the virtual fretboard you’d like the performance to take place.

For absolute control, our Force String articulation can select exactly which string each note is performed on, giving you the ability to tonally match your guitar riffs 1 to 1.

Use the Configuration menu to rebind keyswitches, set the tuning of the bass, and adjust the pitch bend range for ultimate customization to your personal workflow.

As an official Native Instruments partner, UmanskyBass runs in the industry standard free Kontakt Player, meaning you don’t have to worry about any additional hidden costs. Kontakt is the most widely used and widely compatible sampler in the industry, meaning there is a robust team of professionals available to make it work perfectly for you.

Based on our next generation truBass technology, UmanskyBass features a ridiculously robust collection of articulations, including: Finger Picking, Ghost Notes, Slap Bass, Natural Harmonics, Hammer On/Pull Off, Tapping, truSlides, Thump & various mutes.

The entire fretboard of the instrument is multi-sampled so that your virtual riffs sound exactly as intended. Ie. Playing an open D string sounds vastly different to playing that same D note on the B-string.

Our truSlide algorithm can slide from any note on the virtual fretboard, to any other note, at whatever speed or velocity curve you desire, to perfectly match the slides of your real guitars.

Our proprietary tempo-synced alternate picking algorithm has a robust round robin that never sounds like samples are repeating, no matter the speed of your music.

UmanskyBass was sampled with brand new steel strings, meaning that you always get that lovely ‘packet fresh’ tone, with no wear down. The average professional bass recording session often costs several times the price of UmanskyBass in string packets alone.

Version 1.5.0 2024-03-27

FIXED Issues

Main INDEX/MIDDLEY/ALTERNATE FINGER articulation now responds correctly to velocity-based tone scaling on notes below GO


• Added velocity-based tone scaling to the SLAP and POP articulations
• Keyswith menu updated to conform with updated truBass Bass standard
• Added string tuning preset menu
• String tuning selection is now reflected in Me ‘Force String. keyswitch label and keyboard note map

Version 1.1.0

• Finger notes below GO could play at wrong pitch
• Dbl Thumb Pop articulation notes between GO – D1 could play at wrong pitch
• Finger Alternate is now set to *Latch’ by default

For further support or if these bugs are still occurring, please email support@submissionaudio.com

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