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踏板动力簧片风琴 – Soniccouture Estey Reed Organ v1.1.0 KONTAKT

josenacha | 21/02/2023 | 1.7 GB





这是一种Kontakt Player乐器。这意味着你不需要拥有完整版本的NI Kontakt来使用它。它将作为任何VST/AU/RTAS/AAX/WASAPI的插件工具运行,兼容的主机程序或DAW,如:Cubase, Logic, Ableton Live, DP, Reaper, Pro-Tools。不需要额外购买。


Windows 7或更高版本(最新的Service Pack, 32/64位),Intel Core Duo或AMD AthlonTM 64 X2, 4gb RAM(推荐6gb RAM)
Mac: OS X 10.9或更高版本,英特尔酷睿2双核,4gb内存


Pedal-powered reed organs (often referred to as pump organs) were once the most popular instruments in the USA. Manufactured by the Estey Organ Company from 1860 onwards, they were often housed in ornate and elaborate pieces of furniture.

The organ we have recorded appears to be a high-top Grand Salon Organ, dating from around the turn of the 19th century. It is played, as you might expect, by pumping the two foot pedals alternately, to force air through the reed mechanism. It requires some technique, and no small amount of effort to keep a strong, even tone from the instrument.

We recorded the Estey Organ by removing the back panel, which gave a more direct sound, and minimised the considerable pedal noise. We have included separate pedal noise which can be blended in (or not) for realism.

The instrument panel features authentic controls for each organ stop, as well as realistic touches such as adjustable foot pedal noises and clunky key presses. The sound can be further shaped with Attack/Release controls, velocity and filters. A custom convolution reverb processor completes the set.

This is a Kontakt Player instrument. This means that you do not need to own the full version of NI Kontakt to use it. It will run as a plug-in instrument in any VST/AU/RTAS/AAX/WASAPI,compatible host program or DAW eg: Cubase, Logic, Ableton Live, DP, Reaper, Pro-Tools. No extra purchase necessary.

System Requirements:

Windows 7 or higher (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), Intel Core Duo or AMD AthlonTM 64 X2, 4 GB RAM (6 GB RAM recommended)
Mac: OS X 10.9 or higher, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM

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