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音频修复神器 – iZotope RX 8 Audio Editor Advanced v8.1.0 [WiN,Mac]

iZotope RX 8 Audio Editor Advanced v8.1.0-R2R| WIN| 445.81 MB

iZotope RX 8 Audio Editor Advanced v8.1.0 (MacOS) [MORiA] | STANDALONE, AU, VST, VST3 | 1.73 GB

RX长期以来一直是用于电影,电视,音乐,播客,视频游戏,样本库等的音频修复和抛光套件。 借助RX 8,我们创建了新工具并改进了备受欢迎的模块,以帮助您以前所未有的时间完成更多任务。

在版本8中,我们在整个产品系列中添加了新功能,以加快工作流程并解决困扰当今对话和音乐曲目的新修复问题。 我们还更新了后期制作套件,使其包含更多工具和价值,使其成为后期制作的最终选择。

RX has long been the go-to audio repair and polishing suite for film, television, music, podcasts, video games, sample libraries, and more. With RX 8, we’ve created new tools and improved beloved modules to help you accomplish more in less time than ever.
What’s new in RX 8?
With version 8 we’ve added new features across the product lineup to speed up workflows and address new repair problems that plague today’s dialogue and music tracks. And we’ve also updated the Post Production Suite to include even more tools and value, making it the definitive choice for post production.
Surgical noise removal
Use a variety of tools to control, replace, or completely remove any unwanted noise in your audio—if you can see it, you can remove it.
RX 8 interface 
Versatile modules for any situation
RX comes with modules that remove hum, clipping, clicks and even isolate dialogue from other noises.
RX 8 repair assistant
Need assistance?
RX’s Repair Assistant diagnoses your audio and offers processing suggestions for challenging noises with one listen.
Music Rebalance
With improved source separation algorithms and the ability to generate stems from a stereo recording, you can easily re-animate a mix, remove or isolate vocals for a remix, or even create and export new stems for further processing and mixing.

RX 8 spectral recovery
Spectral Recovery
Restore grainy audio from live-streamed, remote audio calls to crystal clarity with Spectral Recovery.
RX 8 Guitar de noise
Guitar De-noise
Rescue your rig with Guitar De-noise: powerful tools to control fret squeaks, amp hiss and noisy pick sounds.
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