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音頻采集器 – TunesKit Audio Capture WIN

File size: 25 MB

最智能的音頻采集器,可捕獲計算機上播放的任何音頻,并将錄制的曲目保存爲 MP3、WAV、AAC、FLAC 等格式,并保留原始音頻質量和 ID 标簽,以便在任何設備上播放。

通用流音頻捕獲可在 PC 上錄制所有類型的聲音
作爲一款功能強大的錄音機,TunesKit Audio Capture for Windows 能夠通過浏覽器或網絡播放器(例如 Chrome)捕獲計算機聲卡輸出的幾乎任何聲音,包括流媒體音樂、現場廣播、遊戲内聲音、電影配樂等 、Internet Explorer 等。它還可以錄制媒體播放器和其他程序(例如 RealPlayer、Windows Media Player、iTunes、QuickTime、VLC 等)再現的聲音。 每當您聽到一首動人的歌曲、一段精彩的廣播流或您想要錄制的任何其他聲音時,TunesKit 都會不遺餘力地幫助您捕捉它們。 它是您捕獲 iTunes、Apple Music、Pandora 等以及從視頻中提取任何音軌的最佳幫助。

TunesKit Audio Capture 是一款多功能且易于使用的多軌音頻錄制軟件,能夠同時捕獲單個或多個曲目并以原始高品質獨立保存所有記錄,這意味着您可以同時在多個程序上播放不同的曲目 不用擔心音頻會混合在一起。 您還可以選擇将所有錄制的音軌合并到一個文件中。 所有錄制任務隻需一鍵即可完成。

将音頻記錄轉換并保存爲 MP3、AAC、WAV、FLAC、M4A、M4B
TunesKit Audio Capture 提供了大量的音頻配置文件,讓您可以根據需要以任何文件類型和壓縮格式保存錄制的音頻。 目前它完全支持所有常用的輸出音頻格式,包括MP3、M4A、AAC、WAV、FLAC和M4B。 借助這個強大的錄音解決方案,您可以無限制地在所有流行設備上收聽任何音頻

從任何音頻中捕獲曲目後,您可以播放聲音并根據需要将其修剪成小段來設置記錄的長度。 在這種情況下,您隻需通過單擊時間滑塊或手動輸入值來設置起點和終點。 此外,您可以選擇通過 TunesKit Audio Capture 中的合并功能将多個曲目混合爲一個。 您可以随意混合無限數量的音頻、音樂和音軌。

修複和編輯錄制音頻的 ID3 标簽
借助内置的智能 ID3 标簽編輯器,TunesKit Audio Capture 使您可以更有效地管理正在捕獲的音軌。 具體來說,它不僅可以保留音頻的原始ID3标簽,還可以讓您編輯和添加ID3标簽,包括藝術品封面、标題、藝術家、年份、專輯和流派等。爲了幫助您更輕松地組織記錄,它 還可以讓您按照自己喜歡的方式重命名錄音音頻。

作爲一款專業的音頻錄制解決方案,TunesKit Audio Capture 精心設計了專門的音頻編輯器,使您可以根據自己的要求設置輸出音頻質量的首選項,包括音頻編解碼器、通道、比特率、采樣率等。 适合不同類型的音頻播放設備。


Smartest audio grabber to capture any audio playing on the computer and save the recorded tracks in MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, etc. formats with original audio quality and ID tags preserved for playing on any device.

All-purpose streaming audio capture to record all type of sounds on PC
As a powerful sound recorder, TunesKit Audio Capture for Windows is able to grab just about any sound that your computer’s soundcard outputs, including streaming music, live broadcasts, in-game sound, movie soundtracks, etc. through browsers or web players, like Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc. It can also record sounds reproduced by media players and other programs, such as RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, iTunes, QuickTime, VLC, and so forth. Whenever you hear an appealing song, a great radio stream, or any other sounds you’d like to record, TunesKit will help you capture them by sparing no effort. It’s your best assistance to capture iTunes, Apple Music, Pandora, etc. as well as extract any audio tracks from videos.

Multi-track audio grabber to capture several tracks at once
TunesKit Audio Capture is a versatile and easy-to-use multi-track audio recording software capable of capturing a single or multiple tracks simultaneously and saving all records independently in original high quality, meaning you can play different tracks on several programs at the same time without worrying the audios would mix together. You are also provided with the option to merge all recorded audio tracks together into one file. All the recording tasks will be accomplished within one click only.

Convert and save audio records to MP3, AAC, WAV, FLAC, M4A, M4B
TunesKit Audio Capture provides a large range of audio profiles, letting you save the recorded audio in any file type and compressed format as you wish. Currently it fully supports all commonly used output audio formats, including MP3, M4A, AAC, WAV, FLAC and M4B. Thanks to this powerful recording solution, you can listen to any audio on all popular devices without limit

Split, cut and mix recorded audio tracks
After capturing the track from any audio, you are able to play the sound and set the length of the records by trimming them into small segments in your wish. In this case, you only need to set the starting point and ending point by clicking the time slider or entering the values manually. In addition, you can choose to mix multiple tracks into one via the merge function within TunesKit Audio Capture. You can freely mix an unlimited number of audio, music and voice tracks as you like.

Fix and edit ID3 tags for recorded audios
With a built-in smart ID3 tag editor, TunesKit Audio Capture makes it more effective for you to manage the audio tracks being captured. Specifically, it can not only keep the original ID3 tags of audio, but also allows you edit and add ID3 tags, including artwork cover, title, artist, year, album and genre, etc. To help you orgnize the records more easily, it also lets you rename the recording audio in the way you like.

Customize and edit output audio quality more flexibly
As a professional audio recording solution, TunesKit Audio Capture is well designed with a specialized audio editors which enables you set the preferences for the output audio quality, including audio codec, channel, bit rate, sample rate, etc. according to your own requirements to fit different types of audio playing devices.



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