MORiA | AU | VST3 | AAX | 55 MB
P930 Lunar Lander将我們對平闆混響和延遲的熱愛提升到新的高度,提供下一級控制,塑造和增強音頻信号。一個靈活的和創造性的躲避電路,可調的噪音和多階段的濕/幹混合選項圓一些其他可用的功能,這純粹的算法強國。P930配備了三個P42的Climax飽和電路、LPF和HPF,每個模塊都有帶寬控制,以及可路由的避光、逆避光和門控電路。把它放在你的塑料聽起來軟合成器,并曲柄的飽和度,并把你的吉娃娃合成器杜賓犬合成器!簡單地說,P930得到的聲音坐在完美的調音台與最小的調整。
—macOS: AU、AAX*和VST3格式。
macOS 10.13或更高版本
P930 Lunar Lander elevates everything we love about plate reverb and delay to new heights, offering next-level control, shaping, and enhancement of the audio signal. A flexible and creative ducking circuit, adjustable noise and multiple stages of wet/dry blend options round out some of the other available features of this purely algorithmic powerhouse. P930 is equipped with a triple P42 Climax saturation circuit, LPF and HPF with bandwidth control in each module and a routable ducking, inverse ducking and gating circuit. Put it on your plastic sounding soft synth, and crank the saturation up, and transform your Chihuahua synth to a Dobermann Synth! Simply said, the P930 gets the sound to sit perfectly in the mix with minimum tweaking.
– Organic feel & behavior.
– BBD analog delay.
– Three plate reverb.
– Triple P42 Climax transformers for saturation and color.
– Series and parallel processing.
– Dry/Wet Mix Control for each module for some cool creative effects.
– Ducking, inverse ducking and gate circuits.
– Works with Mono or Stereo signal.
– All parameters are exposed to your DAW for automation.
– Zero latency!
– macOS: AU, AAX* and VST3 formats.
System Requirements
macOS 10.13 or higher