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鼓处理器 – Acustica Audio Druma 2023 WIN

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Acustica 和意大利排名第一的专业音频门户 Improve your Mix 的团队与意大利最好的混音工程师之一 Salvatore Addeo 联手创建了 DRUMA,这是一款完美且易于使用的工具,可立即改进您的鼓 你的鼓音听起来扎实、有力,而且平衡也恰到好处。

DRUMA 是一款易于使用的鼓处理器,旨在用作鼓总线工具,以优化您的鼓组并在需要时增加密度和寿命,模拟 Salvatore Addeo 的典型处理链。 DRUMA 为您提供不同的鼓总线效果,源自超过 25 年的专业知识,轻松为您的鼓组提供高质量的处理。

四种可用模式/预设将让您根据风格需求增强鼓音轨,从而为您提供对鼓音轨的全面掌控。 例如:用于清理低频并增加能量或添加老式录音的微妙之处。

让自己在四种模式的指导下,毫不费力地获得立竿见影的效果,而无需花费时间和精力寻找“神奇”的声音。 此外,即使在鼓组的各个元素上,Druma 的预设也产生了令人印象深刻的结果。如果您拥有必要的技能,您可以通过组合 EQ、压缩、饱和度等来实现类似的结果,但 Druma 可以帮您省去麻烦并为您提供 一个可以完成所有工作的工具,其中易用性和速度非常重要。

由多白金获奖工程师 Salvatore Addeo 创建。

MIX 旋钮结合了复杂的均衡器、压缩、饱和链等。



Acustica and the team at Improve your Mix, the number one Pro Audio portal in Italy, have joined forces with one of the best Italian mixing engineers Salvatore Addeo to create DRUMA, the perfect easy-to-use tool to instantly improve your drums to make your drum tracks sound solid, punchy and with the right balance too.

DRUMA is an easy-to-use drum processor designed to be used as a drum bus tool to refine your drum-kit and add density and life when needed, emulating Salvatore Addeo’s typical processing chain. DRUMA gives you different drum bus effects, born from over 25 years of expertise, to effortlessly deliver high-quality treatment for your drum-kit.

The four available modes/presets will give you full power over your drum tracks by allowing you to enhance them according to stylistic needs. Example: For clearing up low end and adding energy or to add the subtle of old-school recording.

Let yourself be guided by the four modes, and effortlessly achieve instant results without having to spend time and energy searching for the ‘miraculous’ sound. Furthermore, even on individual elements of the drum kit, Druma’s presets have yielded impressive results.If you have the necessary skills, you could achieve similar results by combining EQ, compression, saturation, and more, but Druma saves you that trouble and offers you a single tool that can do it all, where ease and speed of use are important.

Key Features
Created with Multi Platinum Winning Engineer Salvatore Addeo.
Give any drum track solid, punchy sound and right balance too.

The MIX knob combines complex EQ, compression, saturation chains and more.
Four different modes /presets.

Ideal for any acoustic drum tracks (Pop, RnB, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Trap, Urban etc.).
Analog tones from a prestigious studio, boasting a British console sound.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.



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